UPDATE: San Diego’s Plan for Returning Kids to Practice Passes 4-1

Yesterday SoccerNation described San Diego County’s plan to return young athletes to the practice fields. Plan passes through the SD Board of Supervisors on 4-1 vote. Now, San Diego awaits Governor Newsom’s response. The “Game On San Diego” plan was thoughtfully crafted with safety and multiple sports in mind. Supervisor Kristin Gaspar collected input from […]
Game on San Diego: San Diego Board of Supervisors to Submit Plans for Safe Return to Fields

Board of Supervisors meeting: Tuesday May 19 at 9am San Diego County is, at the time of this article’s publishing, in “Phase 2” of California Governor Gavin Newsom‘s reopening guidelines. Very soon, the San Diego County Board of Supervisors will be presenting a detailed plan to add YOUTH SPORTS to Phase 2 for San Diego […]
How Are Clubs Doing These Days? Checking in with DMCV Sharks

With so much uncertainty these days, youth soccer clubs are not alone in having their worlds turned upside down. As parents and players wait to return to the field, clubs across the country are doing all they can to stay connected to their families. How is that happening? We checked in with Del Mar Carmel […]
What Are College Coaches Up to These Days? Scoutingzone will tell you: video video video

Recruiting advice from ScoutingZone for high school athletes The founders of ScoutingZone speak with college coaches constantly. ScoutingZone was originally created for college coaches (not for players). READ THIS ARTICLE to learn more about the origins of ScoutingZone. SoccerNation reached out to Tara Parker, ScoutingZone co-founder, to find out how the latest zoom sessions went and what college coaches […]
Free Online Video Training from Catalyst Soccer

Online soccer training has long been seen as an “extra” way for players to go above and beyond the skills and fitness they got from their regular games. But now, with the physical limitations of social distancing due to Covid-19, virtual soccer workouts are a necessity. Which is why soccerloco and Catalyst Soccer Training are providing you […]
This week from Olympus: Help with Cabin Fever

There are a ton of reasons you might be stuck at home for a given amount of time. Whether it be summertime and it’s too hot to even leave the A/C, a snow day, the holidays when a lot of places are closed, one of the kids is sick and you have to stay home, […]
Legends FC to provide streaming training sessions for families beginning Monday Mar16

The COVID-19 global pandemic has shut down all group activities for the next 3-4 weeks. Soccer families are left to stay fit on their own, practicing “social distancing.” That does not mean, however, that training has to stop. Legends FC have announced live-streamed training sessions for soccer players. Live Streams and YouTube Sessions View this […]