Summertime Soccer is BACK

Youth Soccer clubs excitedly planning to hit the field this summer Vaccination numbers rising, case numbers are falling, and mask mandates are dropping across the nation. That means outdoor youth soccer is BACK for the summer of 2021. Memorial Day weekend is the “unofficial start of summer.” The same weekend also is the unofficial kickoff […]

San Diego County: Game on! Other SoCal counties: not quite yet

After the recent escalation in the battle to get young athletes back on the fields, a San Diego County judge has ruled that high school and youth sports in San Diego can resume with some restrictions and conditions. Youth Sports Guidelines Based on COVID-19 Case Numbers On the same day as the San Diego County […]

Temperature Rising in Debate over Youth Soccer in San Diego #LetThemPlay

Surf Soccer Club hit with Cease & Desist order from San Diego County Health Officials Young athletes have been hitting the fields in 48 states. But not in California. California’s emergency COVID-19 health orders have kept young athletes from their sports for almost a year. Multiple scientific studies have shown that outdoor sports are safe. […]

Checking in with Arizona Arsenal, Back on the Fields

Arizona Arsenal Soccer Club has been enjoying their “new normal.” Kids and their coaches are on the fields enjoying the outdoors and the sports they love. SoccerNation checked in Director of Coaching, David Belfort, to learn more about what’s happening out in Arizona. Shutdowns began March 11th SN: How long were club operations shut down […]

Tournament Update: Attack Summer Classic 2020, Cancelled

California youth sports still have no projected date for when competitive games can resume. Recently, California Governor Gavin Newsom announced a new classification system for counties. The old numbered system is gone. The new blueprint for re-opening is color-coded. Californians can use THIS SITE to check the status of economic and social sectors. Youth Sports, […]

Thurs Aug 27, 5pm (pacific): Help for Parents and Coaches during COVID-19

The Elite Clubs National League has announced a FREE webinar for parents of young athletes. On Thursday August 27th at 5pm Pacific, parents and coaches can join and learn about how to help their children through this time of uncertainty. Growth Opportunities for Youth Athletes Covid-19 has, for the most part, created chaos and uncertainty […]

143,000 Soccer Training Sessions, 15 COVID-19 Cases, ZERO Transmission, New Study Says

Surf Cup Sports releases results of 8-week county-wide study Research and testing will continue, but initial results show promising signs that outdoor sports in large areas are safe for kids 6-18. Six local clubs participated in the study: San Diego Surf Soccer Club Oceanside Breakers City SC Albion Soccer Club Rebels Soccer Club San […]

Longest. Offseason. Ever. And that may be a good thing.

Every day, it seems, another NCAA conference announces no Fall sports. 32 NCAA Division I conferences. 17 have cancelled Fall sports, as of now. Current NCAA guidelines state: If 50% or more of eligible teams in a particular sport in a division cancel their fall seasons, there will be no fall NCAA championship in that […]

Medical Study Proves Youth Sports are Crucial to Mental Health

Parents, families, coaches, and local leaders like Kristin Gaspar have known this for a long time. Youth sports and group activities are essential for physical and mental well-being. We now have a medical study backing up what families have been saying for months. Youth Sports are Essential Elite Club National League’s Chief Medical Advisor, Dr. […]

The 2020 Tournament Shuffle

California recently clarified health and safety guidelines for youth sports competitions. Read the guidelines HERE. “Youth Sports Must Comply with Cohorting [stable groups] and Physical Distancing Requirements, with an Emphasis on Physical Conditioning and Skill-Building.” In other words, soccer clubs can continue with their “camps.” Practices and drills that emphasize fitness and drills can continue. […]

Attack Summer Classic 2020 Offers RISK-FREE Registration for Teams

Health and Safety First Under current California health mandates, soccer tournaments are not allowed. Teams can conduct socially-distanced drills and practices. Scrimmages between two teams, however, can’t even happen. Many California summer tournaments, like Copa Del Mar, have been cancelled for 2020. The latest guidelines for soccer training: Max group size: 12, not counting coaches. […]

The Impact of Covid-19 on Collegiate Soccer

The normal start date of collegiate soccer is less than a month away. Here is the latest information as the impact of the coronavirus forces athletic programs to find the best way forward in this unprecedented time. As the Assistant Coach for the Soka University Mens Soccer Team I have been tracking this process over […]

Covid-19 Tries to Claim Another Event: Surf Cup 2020 Olders Postponed

In this Covid-19 era, the only certainty is uncertainty. Recently, the NCAA announced that the quiet period for soccer recruiting would be extended through August 2020. College soccer coaches usually plan their summer recruiting around the major West Coast summer tournament for competitive club soccer: SURF CUP. Proactively responding to COVID-19, Surf Cup Sports had […]

SD Youth Soccer Practices Can Begin Immediately. Soccerloco is open for you!

Late Friday, the San Diego Board of Supervisors announced that California would be allowing “youth camps” to begin. When California Governor Gavin Newsom released his guidance for counties, recommendations for “camps,” under which youth sports fall, were a start date no earlier than June 12th: San Diego Soccer Players, However, Can Hit the Practice Fields […]

UPDATE: Game On San Diego Proposal Is Still Sitting on Newsom’s Desk

Last week, SoccerNation explained the origins of San Diego County’s “Game On San Diego” proposal. The plan to return young athletes to the practice field was sent to California Governor Gavin Newsom by the San Diego County Board of Supervisors. Plan Summary: Sports organizations must follow CDC guidelines and submit safety plans to San Diego […]