Join SD Loyal in a workout this week

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Join SD Loyal in a workout this week

Want to join San Diego Loyal players in one of their Zoom workouts this week? Here's your chance to join SD Loyal Players and support Rady Children's

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Want to join San Diego Loyal players in one of their Zoom workouts this week? Here’s your chance to join SD Loyal Players and support Rady Children’s efforts to fight COVID-19!

Donate $50 to the Rady Children’s Virtual Challenge to join one of team workouts held by Olympus Movement Performance on Tuesday or Thursday!

Fitness classes are led by San Diego Loyal’s Performance and Medical Staff. Annemarie Alf, Performance Director, and Brittany Peterson, Head Athletic Trainer. 

Funds raised, when coupled with community donations, will help fund the health system’s ability to create critically needed 3D-printed nasal swabs, protective face shields and other in-demand materials, and bolster its investment in protecting frontline care providers, patients and families while fighting the effects of COVID-19. 

all images courtesy of Olympus Movement Performance

Stay safe, and we’ll see you on the field soon.