This week from Olympus: What’s the big deal with going “Gluten Free?”

This week Olympus Movement and Performance is dropping knowledge all about nutrition. Specifically, the “gluten free” revolution. Many people are medically allergic to gluten (Celiac Disease). Many more, however, can benefit from limiting or eliminating gluten from their diet, even if they don’t have Celiac Disease. Take it away, Olympus! Author: Brittany Peterson, Head Athletic Trainer, […]

This Week from Olympus: Sleep Health

Sleep is vital to healthy living and athletic performance. This week, Olympus Movement Performance breaks down the importance of sleep and how to apply their knowledge to your daily life. Take it away, Olympus! ​Do you have a sleep disturbance? Do you have a hard time falling asleep? Do you wake often during the night? […]

This Week from Olympus Movement: All You Need to Know about Cupping Therapy

Annemarie Alf, head trainer for San Diego Loyal Soccer Club, is usually ahead of the curve when it comes to sports medicine and physical therapy. Cupping therapy is no different. As athletes get back to the training grounds and competition fields, therapeutic recovery will be vital. Read on to find out if cupping is something […]

This Week from Olympus: Return to Sport with Deep Core Stability

As athletes around the world begin to ramp up their training, deep core strength and stabilization are more important than ever. This week, Olympus Movement brings families and athletes valuable knowledge. Keep reading to learn how your breathing plays a vital role in your body’s athletic performance. Take it away, Annemarie! BUILDING THE FOUNDATION: THE […]

THIS WEEK FROM OLYMPUS: Life after an ACL Injury (final chapter)

ACL Injuries: The good, the bad, the ugly: A preventative approachAnnemarie Alf, PT, DPT, CSCS, SFMA If you missed the first two chapters of Annemarie Alf’s ACL series, be sure to check them out here! One of the most common and yet most dreaded injuries a soccer player can endure, is to hear that you’ve […]

ACL Injuries. The good, the bad, the ugly: A preventative approach (part 1)

This Week from Olympus ACL Injuries: The good, the bad, the ugly: A preventative approach, by Annemarie Alf, PT, DPT, CSCS, SFM One of the most common and yet most dreaded injuries a soccer player can endure, is to hear that you’ve torn your ACL- anterior cruciate ligament.  The ACL is a ligament in the center […]

This week from Olympus: Help with Cabin Fever

There are a ton of reasons you might be stuck at home for a given amount of time. Whether it be summertime and it’s too hot to even leave the A/C, a snow day, the holidays when a lot of places are closed, one of the kids is sick and you have to stay home, […]

This week from Olympus: What are Shin Splints?

Why are my shins hurting while I play?  Many people have heard the term “Shin Splints” and I am sure you have used it a time or two to describe your shin pain. But, what are shin splints? Shin splints, or in the medical field, Medial Tibial Stress Syndrome, is an overuse repetitive trauma to […]

This week from Olympus: When training just isn’t enough.

WHY THE FMS (FUNCTIONAL MOVEMENT SCREEN) OR SFMA (SELECTIVE FUNCTIONAL MOVEMENT ASSESSMENT)? Many of you train hard, you train consistently, you eat healthy, and rest well. I ask you though, are there times when you need more than just this to keep performing at an optimum level day in and day out with the same […]

What is MOBILITY? Great info this week from Olympus Movement

Dr. Annemarie Alf, PT, DPT, CSCS You may think this soccer athlete has maximal or even excessive mobility. In some movements that may be true, however in other fundamental movement patterns he/she may be lacking proper mobility. What if this professional athlete has less than maximal ankle or hip mobility, what will the overall outcome […]

SAVE THE ICE FOR YOUR DRINKS! Modern Injury Recovery Advice from Olympus Movement

Why you are better off NOT using ICE post-injury: Because it delays Recovery! (OH, and same for anti-inflammatory meds like Ibuprofen) The following is an important and out-of-the-box article from: Dr. Annemarie Alf Athletes, coaches, trainers, and physical therapists alike have all used my “RICE” (rest, ice, compression, elevation) guideline for decades.  Now it appears […]


Expert Advice from Olympus Movement Performance The human body consists of more than 50% of water. Same goes for the Earth. That in itself shows us how important water is to our bodies and the environment. Yet a lot of the time we as humans are not properly hydrated. Fluid balance is the relationship between […]

Concussions and Soccer

Valuable information from Olympus Movement Performance Over the course of a few weeks, we will be diving into the topic of Concussions. What is a concussion, baseline concussion testing, myths about concussions, can we treat a concussion, acute concussion recommendations, etc. Today we will try to understand concussions and discuss Baseline Concussion Testing.  Understanding Concussions […]

Fighting Inflammation with Food

Expert advice for Soccer families from Olympus Movement Performance Welcome to our weekly feature from the athletic experts at Olympus. This week, you’re going to learn all about how to help your body to fight off and recover from illness, infection and injury with OPTIMAL NUTRITION. Inflammation is your body’s way to protect itself from […]