College Recruiting: ScoutingZone at the Girls DA Showcase and Beyond

I’ll get straight to the point. If you want to play college soccer and your showcase works with ScoutingZone, you’d better have your FREE ScoutingZone profile up to date. ScoutingZone has been working for years on improving and refining their system. As a result, the top recruiting showcases are now working with SZ to get recruiting information into the hands (phones) of college coaches. Surf Cup. US Soccer Development Academy. US Club Soccer. They all work with ScoutingZone to make sure game schedules, rosters, and player profiles are up-to-the-minute accurate.

Girls DA Showcase | image courtesy of ScoutingZone

ScoutingZone was created for college soccer coaches (not for players), and coaches are using it.

Tara Parker, ScoutingZone founder, described the origin of ScoutingZone. “Brooke [Brooke Kentera, SZ co-founder] and I were at this huge tournament years ago. Some coaches were watching a really competitive boys’ game. They were taking tons of notes on the teams’ paper rosters. The next day, we saw those same coaches. They told us they had gone back to their hotel that night to look up those players, and over half of them were already committed to colleges. That’s a huge problem. That was our ‘a-ha’ moment. For that reason, we became determined to solve that problem for college coaches. ScoutingZone is used by the players, and it is free for all players, but it wasn’t created specifically for players. It was created for college coaches, and we are so excited to be able to give them this recruiting tool.”

Girls DA Showcase | image courtesy of ScoutingZone

ScoutingZone at the Girls DA Showcase in Denver

This weekend, the top girls’ teams in the nation have converged on Denver, Colorado for the Girls DA Showcase. ScoutingZone worked with the DA to make sure all game schedules and rosters are up to date. When a college coaching staff uses the SZ app, creating a schedule for the showcase is easy. Then once a coach is at a game, without needing to flip through a huge book or find a team manager with a roster, the coach can pull up a team’s roster on the SZ app and see team and player info immediately.

A players’ academic and athletic information is all available:

image courtesy of ScoutingZone
image courtesy of ScoutingZone

Coaches can make private notes and keep their own rankings that can be shared among the coaching staff immediately:

image courtesy of ScoutingZone

NCAA Compliance-friendly

Parker describes: “A feature we added that the college coaches love is compliance integration. Our product seamlessly integrates with their NCAA compliance system through an export that is provided after every showcase. Compliance is necessary, but it is such a pain for coaches who just want to focus on soccer and building the best teams they can. We are making it easier for them. We love being able to help coaches that way.”

Brooke Kentera speaks with an NCAA coach

Bottom Line: Keep your ScoutingZone profile up to date!

If you’re a player who uses tools like Captain U, College Fit Finder, or NCSA to search for colleges, that’s great. Keep using those tools if you have already paid for them. Get your money’s worth! But if you’re at a tournament or showcase that works with ScoutingZone, you’d better have your SZ profile up to date, because that is the tool the coaches will be using while they’re watching you play.


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