2018 Saw Teams Turned Away: 2019 Attack Summer Classic Early Bird Discount Expires May 1st

The Attack Summer Classic has been a mainstay of San Diego Youth Soccer for years. This year, RSF Attack Soccer will host the tenth annual Attack Summer Classic Aug 17-18, and plans are BIG. I recently sat down with Marilee Pacelli, the tournament director. I wanted to know what’s in the works for this summer’s event.

Waiting list last year…

“This is our tenth year, and we’re going all out,” Pacelli said. “It’s so cool that we’ve become a tradition for summer youth soccer in Southern California. We used to have fields all over San Diego, but a few years ago, we made the decision to have the whole tournament at the So Cal Sports Complex in Oceanside. That’s not cheap, but it was worth it. Last year was our biggest year yet, and I was so sad to have to turn away dozens of teams. We couldn’t bring in anyone from the waiting list either. This year, teams really need to sign up early to be sure they get a spot.”

The Festival is Back!

Last year, the Attack Summer Classic originated the “Festival” for the seven-year-olds. Pacelli describes, “Those little kids are adorable, and they love the festival. They play three 7v7 games on a smaller field. We don’t name champions at that age. It’s all about having fun and enjoying the game. Then at the end of the weekend, we give every team an awards ceremony. Each team gets a trophy, and every player gets a champions prize. This year, we’re adding medals for all of the kids, too. It was such a great event last year for the players, their families, and the coaches. I’m really looking forward to the Festival again this year for the 2012 [birth year] teams.”

Early Bird Discount Through May 1st

Teams can take advantage of Attack Summer Classic’s “Early Bird” discount. Teams that register and pay for the event by May 1st will enjoy $50 off the tournament fee.

Making the weekend fun for everyone — not just the players

Pacelli was eager to discuss all of the special touches the Attack Summer Classic adds to make sure everyone enjoys the weekend. She explained, “We’ve been around a long time now. So, we have a great relationship with the referee associations, and we get the best referees available. Having good referees is so important. This year, we are even going to have gifts for our refs to show them how much they are appreciated! [Speaking of which…check out THIS ARTICLE about becoming a referee!] We make sure the brackets are fair. Teams are evenly matched. I also make sure there’s plenty of shaded areas for families to use in between games. And this year, I’m looking forward to having a pro photo studio, and an e-sports tournament!”

A San Diego Tradition, improving every year

To register your team for the 2019 Attack Summer Classic, visit AttackSummerClassic.com. The memories that came out of the Attack Summer Classic are some of the best of my own kid’s youth soccer years.


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