California youth sports still have no projected date for when competitive games can resume. Recently, California Governor Gavin Newsom announced a new classification system for counties. The old numbered system is gone. The new blueprint for re-opening is color-coded.
— Governor Newsom (@CAgovernor) August 28, 2020
CA's Blueprint for a Safer Economy is the next evolution of the state's #COVID19 response.
Every county is now assigned to a color tier based on its rate of new cases & positivity to determine which sectors can operate.Check your county:
Californians can use THIS SITE to check the status of economic and social sectors. Youth Sports, however, are not listed. “Daycamps” are the closest sector to youth sports in California’s re-opening guidelines. “Camps,” the classification clubs are using to hold training sessions, are allowed to happen with modifications.
Attack Summer Classic: Cancelled
What seemed inevitable has come to be. The latest Covid cancellation is the Attack Summer Classic. Organizers were holding out hope. Every day, though, cancellation seemed more and more unavoidable.

Tournament Director, Marilee Pacelli, sent the following email to teams:
It is with sincere regret that I must inform you that we have had to cancel the Attack Summer Classic for 2020. As most of you are aware, the
restrictions on youth sports in California are still at the Phase 1 level
which does not allow any competition.
It does not seem feasible that those restrictions would be lifted and tournaments would be allowed (especially one the size of the Attack Summer Classic) within the next 2 weeks, so we have made the difficult decision to cancel for this year.
Thank you to all the teams that have applied and have been sending us “Good Luck” vibes for the last several weeks.
Again, thank you for supporting the tournament. We look forward to seeing you next year on August 14-15, 2021 up at the SoCal Sports Complex in Oceanside, California. For those who had Champion and Finalist certificates to redeem, they will be honored next year!
SoCal Cup: TBD. Surf Cup: TBD.
As of the publishing of this article, SoCal Cup and Surf Cup have not announced any changes.

Will any youth tournaments happen in California this year? Probably not this summer. Maybe Thanksgiving tournaments will be able to happen. We’ll see!