California recently clarified health and safety guidelines for youth sports competitions. Read the guidelines HERE.
“Youth Sports Must Comply with Cohorting [stable groups] and Physical Distancing Requirements, with an Emphasis on Physical Conditioning and Skill-Building.”
In other words, soccer clubs can continue with their “camps.” Practices and drills that emphasize fitness and drills can continue. Tournaments, however, are not allowed.

Three major SoCal tournaments have moved their dates to September
Hoping that the state of California will modify health guidelines in the next month, three large summer soccer tournaments have moved to September.
Attack Summer Classic: September 12-13 in Oceanside
As SoccerNation families already know, Attack Summer Classic offers RISK-FREE registration. MORE INFO HERE.

ASC 2020 has now moved to September 12-13 at the SoCal Sports Complex in Oceanside.
Surf Cup: Youngers Sept 19-20 / Olders Sept 25-27
Surf Cup Youngers will be played at Surf Cup Sports Park in Del Mar.
The older boys the following weekend will be at the SoCal Sports Complex in Oceanside. Older girls will play their Surf Cup games in Del Mar.
SoCal Cup: September 19-20
The SoCal Cup is hosted by Oceanside Breakers. Organizers are planning for the weekend of September 19-20.

SoCal Cup 2020 is also promising not to charge registration fees until they are confident that the tournament will go forward:
“Registration is open, but in these uncertain times we will not be charging any credit cards or checking accounts, until final approval and permission has been given by Cal South, together with local county and state government authorities. In order to be placed on the priority list. “
Will these tournaments happen? We’ll see…
If tournament organizers had make a “go / no-go” decision today, these tournaments would be cancelled for 2020. Holding out hope for youngsters to be able to safely compete this summer is commendable.