Shot Happens #9: Maintaining Work/Life Balance

Parents runs around driving their kids to practices, games, and social events so much that it is almost a second job. So how does a good academy parent manage their real job and their “second” one, all while being able to enjoy the experience of seeing their child (or children) play competitive soccer? Special guest […]

Shot Happens #8: Interview with Tommy Park of Alexandria Soccer Association

We have another special guest on this week to talk about the tough topic of ongoing player evaluations. Tommy Park is the executive director of the Alexandria (VA) Soccer Association. After years of coaching in the DC area high school and professional ranks, Tommy became the club’s first full-time executive director in 2011 and has […]

Shot Happens #7: Blowouts = The Bad Kind of Running in Soccer

In youth travel soccer, blowouts are inevitable. As hard as administrators and coaches try to match teams in tournaments and leagues equally, so games are just lopsided. Or the teams are evenly matched but one just plays better that day and the final score is 8-0. What happens next and how do we deal with […]

Shot Happens #6: It’s time to quit soccer… for the season?

There is a lot of pressure on parents of travel players to be constantly honing their child’s craft. We’ve all heard of the Malcolm Gladwell 10,000 hours idea and, when we see our kids’ teammates signing up for futsal or skills training during the offseason, we worry our kids are not doing enough. Doesn’t our […]

Shot Happens #5: KYSA Technical Director Adrian Parrish on USSF

You’ve heard all of the opinions on what is wrong with U.S. soccer (or U.S. Soccer) and how to fix it, but have you heard from someone who is on the frontlines of improving the game now? You will in this episode. KYSA Technical Director Adrian Parrish joins the show to discuss the world of […]

Shot Happens #4: If it’s broken…fix it.

Hosted by: Robert Hay and Coach Reed “Shot Happens, but it doesn’t have to ruin all the fun.” Shot Happens is a podcast all about the trials and tribulations of youth soccer in America. Show hosts Coach Reed (the Cranky Veteran) and Robert Hay (the Thoughtful Rookie) discuss the hot topics all soccer parents face. […]

Shot Happens #3: Parents…What are they Good For?

Absolutely everything. They are one of the staples in youth sport. They’ve been stalking the sidelines of soccer games since the beginning and they will be there until the end. Instead of alienating them, ignoring them, and excluding them let’s find a way to incorporate them into the landscape in meaningful and productive ways. Listen in […]

Shot Happens #2: The Concussion Episode With Special Guest Nipun Chopra

Hosted by: Robert Hay and Coach Reed “Shot Happens, but it doesn’t have to ruin all the fun.” Shot Happens is a podcast all about the trials and tribulations of youth soccer in America. Show hosts Coach Reed (the Cranky Veteran) and Robert Hay (the Thoughtful Rookie) discuss the hot topics all soccer parents face. […]

Shot Happens #1: We All Love Tryouts

We know. You love tryouts. We do too. What’s not to love what with all the stress, the fear of missing out, awkward conversations with people who are friends but their kid might take your kid’s spot on the team, and did we mention stress… In this episode, Robert and Coach Reed talk about the […]