Football vs Futbol: Recruiting USC Athletes

USC Athletics department recently hosted a high school recruiting workshop through “Clear the Clearinghouse.” Athletic directors, eligibility and compliance coordinators, and USC coaches all shared information about the high school recruiting process and the NCAA Eligibility Center. USC has a legendary athletics reputation and jam-packed trophy cases to prove that the legend is definitely rooted […]
Soccer Recruiting: Tips For Your Senior Year In High School

Senior year. The stress of junior year is over, and a whole new stress takes over with college applications and last-ditch efforts at standardized tests. Athletes who haven’t yet committed to a college get to add college recruiting to their senior year to-do lists. Many seniors and their families wonder if they’re too late. The answer […]
Soccer Recruiting: Tips For Your Junior Year In High School

The stories are out there: Eighth, ninth, and tenth-grade soccer players verbally commit to full-ride soccer scholarships. Families with older soccer athletes start to wonder, “Am I too late? Are all of the college roster spots already gone?” Early college commitments are exciting, and they get a lot of attention in social media, but those early college […]
Soccer Recruiting: An Overview of Freshmen and Sophomore High School Years

What does the college soccer recruiting journey look like for high school students? When does the journey begin? Are juniors and seniors too late? What are the most important aspects of recruiting during each year of high school? Here is a general guide for the freshmen and sophomore years of high school soccer: Academics: GRADES […]
Putting the Players First: Livermore Fusion Leads the Way

Located in Northern California, just east of the Greater Bay area, sits the city of Livermore. Known best for its beautiful wine country and the Lawrence Livermore National Lab, Livermore has been slowly building a strong reputation in another impressive area: youth soccer. Having been one of the founding Bay Area clubs, Livermore Fusion Soccer […]
College Soccer Recruiting: Do You Have to Pay for a Recruiting Service?

The college soccer recruiting process is daunting, confusing, and overwhelming at times, yet extremely rewarding. For these young athletes, college is going to be daunting, confusing, and overwhelming at times, yet extremely rewarding. After college graduation, their adult lives and careers are going to be (you guessed it) daunting, confusing, and overwhelming at times, yet […]
Navigating the Journey from SoCal Club to College Soccer

Every year, families and athletes join scores of competitive SoCal soccer clubs in hopes of eventually grabbing the brass ring of a college soccer roster spot. Of course, these families enjoy and appreciate all of the benefits of having their children in sports — fitness, camaraderie, competition, etc — but with college admission rates plummeting […]
The College Process

What is the Secret Sauce? When over 2 million soccer players a year are trying to land one of the coveted recruited spots to become a college soccer player, you need the appropriate tools and programs that are going to increase your chances. Others will instead go into a trade like plumbing after school, but […]