Coming to SoccerNation: Alumni Corner

Stories of soccer journeys to educate and inspire SoccerNation is excited to announce Alumni Corner! Starting in February, we will be featuring a new soccer alum every month. 4 Weeks of Great Stories and Inspiration for Soccer Families Every week, we will journey along through the life of a successful adult who grew up playing […]
The Do’s and Don’ts of Talking to Your Kid’s Coach

“Hey coach, ummm…you got a text.” One of my players was injured and to keep him engaged during games I asked him to run stats for us. It was a simple app on my phone that required thumb taps to count passes. It did the trick, but it also meant he was looking at my […]
The Role of a Parent in Youth Soccer

My sons quit soccer. When they did I learned one of my greatest lessons as a parent. Their choice to quit forced me way out of my comfort zone when it comes to the youth sporting environment, and that is where my lesson happened. They chose to take up Muy Thai. I think they did […]
This is our culture: New Year, New Wishes

A season’s worth of incidents. A lifetime of sins committed for the sake of winning. These are all the things I witnessed: • A Board member from a very large club walking onto the soccer field to verbally assault a referee at a U9 boys game. • The coach of a U10 boys team sent […]