Tournament Update: Attack Summer Classic 2020, Cancelled

California youth sports still have no projected date for when competitive games can resume. Recently, California Governor Gavin Newsom announced a new classification system for counties. The old numbered system is gone. The new blueprint for re-opening is color-coded. Californians can use THIS SITE to check the status of economic and social sectors. Youth Sports, […]
The 2020 Tournament Shuffle

California recently clarified health and safety guidelines for youth sports competitions. Read the guidelines HERE. “Youth Sports Must Comply with Cohorting [stable groups] and Physical Distancing Requirements, with an Emphasis on Physical Conditioning and Skill-Building.” In other words, soccer clubs can continue with their “camps.” Practices and drills that emphasize fitness and drills can continue. […]
Attack Summer Classic 2020 Offers RISK-FREE Registration for Teams

Health and Safety First Under current California health mandates, soccer tournaments are not allowed. Teams can conduct socially-distanced drills and practices. Scrimmages between two teams, however, can’t even happen. Many California summer tournaments, like Copa Del Mar, have been cancelled for 2020. The latest guidelines for soccer training: Max group size: 12, not counting coaches. […]
Team profile: RSF Attack B02 Academy

At the recent Albion Cup National Soccer Showcase, I watched the championship game of the Men’s 2002 Showcase group. Held at the So Cal Sports Complex in Oceanside, Albion Cup is one of the top soccer tournaments in SoCal & the nation. Teams from across the country come to compete at Albion Cup. Making the […]