SAN DIEGO – On Monday, July 27th, which was the final day of games at soccerloco Surf Cup, we were able to exchange a few words with Brendan Grady who is the Assistant Coach for Men’s Soccer at Swarthmore College.
Grady has played for Swarthmore during his 4 collegiate years and was the captain of the team for 2 of those years, and he has been the Assistant Coach since 2013. He said this is actually his first time at soccerloco Surf Cup as the assistant coach.
There are many players that have contacted them and those are the ones they came to watch. As Swarthmore is a high academic instruction they want to obviously scout high academic players in tournaments like the Surf Cup.
[quote_box_center]“First thing I look for is technique, speed of play and speed to thought, combined with physical speed, and then from there we try to get balance within the recruiting class, so if we are bringing small technical players we need players with a little more size and strength as well.”[/quote_box_center]
When asked what he does not like to see in a player, Grady said that definitely he hates to see bad attitude. When a player start making stupid fouls and showing lack of discipline then that is definitely a turn off for many coaches.
When asked what advice he can give to players wanting to make it to the next level he definitely stressed focusing on technique, as it is one of the main things you can control as a player.