[dropcap type=”1″]S[/dropcap]occer is the most popular game in the world because it takes almost nothing to play. Grab something round for a ball, a few objects to mark off goals and you’ve got a match. While the game is played like this all over the globe, player development is greatly enhanced when the proper apparel and equipment is used.
Doing their part to help the young players of tomorrow succeed in the game they love, soccerloco has donated $15,000 worth of soccer apparel and equipment to Soccer Kids America. Founded in 2008, Soccer Kids America was created to provide a fun and positive environment to assist kids in learning and developing soccer skills. The donation, which includes jerseys, shorts and balls, will go a long way in making sure the 4-17 year olds that participate with SKA have the gear they need to perform their best.
[quote_box_center]”On behalf of SKA and the SKA families THANK YOU for your generosity!!! . The kids pointed out how the tags were still on!! It was a huge treat for them. Several of the players are on financial assistance and purchasing an item like this would be way out of their reach.” said Edith Cruz of Soccer Kids America[/quote_box_center]
soccerloco is committed to growing the popularity of soccer in the United States through grassroots initiatives and organizations like Soccer Kids America. They donate soccer gear to several organizations that provide opportunities to underprivileged players and sponsor youth soccer tournaments and events throughout the country.

If you’re part of a soccer organization doing good for the game and would like consideration for future donations, please contact [email protected].