Sepp Blatter steps down as President after 40 years at FIFA

Sepp Blatter, the reigning president of the world-renowned soccer federation, FIFA , has resigned this morning.  Sepp Blatter has held the president title since 1998, and has been involved in the federation for the past 40 years.  He recently (and defiantly) ran for a fifth presidential term in the 2015 election held May 29th.

The 79-year old Swiss was reelected by a landslide against his fellow candidate Prince Ali bin Al-Hussein of Jordan.  Blatter beat Prince Ali with 133 of the 209 votes in the first round of voting, falling short of the needed two-thirds majority and forcing a second vote that would have needed just a simple majority.

Only 4 days later he decided to step down.  Watch his full statement here:

Blatter encourages FIFA to find a successor as soon as possible; however the next FIFA Congress is in May of 2016 in Mexico City.  He explains he will hold to his responsibilities until a replacement is found.


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