Free Online Video Training from Catalyst Soccer

Online soccer training has long been seen as an “extra” way for players to go above and beyond the skills and fitness they got from their regular games. But now, with the physical limitations of social distancing due to Covid-19, virtual soccer workouts are a necessity.

Which is why soccerloco and Catalyst Soccer Training are providing you with a FREE comprehensive training program for the next month. The video demonstrations and expert trainer instruction will not only help improve your technical ball control and athleticism, but they will also keep you motivated to stay in a healthy active routine while you can’t be on the field with your team. Click here to watch the introductory video and to activate your free access today.

Free and Independent

From Catalyst: “Catalyst Soccer is an independent training resource. We value neutrality so we can focus on player development for all.”

The exercises outlined in the program were chosen in consideration of space and equipment limitations. However, the exercises can still be executed with quality and a high number of repetitions for optimized practice, given the conditions we are all working with.

Tailored for Today’s Unique Environment

Instructions provided with the videos are intentionally open for definition so that the participant can tailor their workout to their own age, ability level, and understanding of the sport. Below is an outline of the training program…

  • 3 training categories cover a range of individual ball skill, athletic movements, and fitness
  • 6 exercises per category = 18 training sessions total
  • 4 video sessions provided each week Monday through Thursday, plus live Q&A on Fridays

Participants will have complimentary access to the Catalyst Soccer Training platform when they create an online account. The website and training materials are mobile-friendly — allowing convenient access for participants to follow along on their mobile device connected to a data plan or internet network without having to use storage on their phone/tablet or downloading an app.


Neither Catalyst nor soccerloco is receiving compensation, financial or otherwise, for creating and promoting this program. We strongly believe in serving the best interests of the US soccer community and providing people with a healthy outlet which keeps them connected to the activities they love, but cannot physically share with their teammates, coaches, and friends during this time. It is our hope that your organization will join us in providing your members with access to this much-needed training program.


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