One thing that’s very impressive about today’s youth club soccer coaches and Directors is that they attend continuing education courses every year to improve their knowledge of the latest techniques in coaching tactical and technical training for youth soccer players. NSCAA and USSF licensing courses are taught by top coaches from all over the world and are regularly sold out.
It goes to show the pride and passion that youth coaches have to always refine their craft and use their newly acquired knowledge to better educate their players. The role of coaches is to improve the performance of players on the field, whereas parents are often more concerned with their child’s overall development. Many children play competitive youth soccer as a gateway to college and as a parent of a youth club player, improved coaching can only make your son or daughter a better player and more attractive potential recruit for college coaches.
If coaches and Directors value their education, shouldn’t they also encourage parents at their club to be educated about the college recruiting process?
Below are the most important parent questions that should be addressed and clearly answered early on by all youth soccer clubs:
- What is the club’s role in developing their child vs preparing them for a college scholarship?
- What is the coach’s role vs the Director’s role in the process?
- What does their registration fee go to in terms of assistance in the recruiting process?
- What is their role as parents in the recruiting process?
- What is the player’s role in the recruiting process?
- What isn’t the club or coach responsible for in the recruiting process?
The earlier parents get answers to the questions above and understand their role within the recruiting process, the more successful all parties involved can be. Setting realistic expectations is the first step in creating a harmonious youth club environment that fosters loyalty in member families.
Jeff Jaye is Managing Director of iSoccerPath, the top education service for parents and clubs in the US. Visit to learn more about our education programs to help in the process of becoming student athletes and to book a FREE College Coach panel at your club.