Cheering in the Deep End!

Meet The Deep End Supporters Group; a passionate group of fans taking professional soccer serious in San Diego. They cheer, dance, sing, beat drums, and bring an atmosphere to professional soccer games in San Diego that has not seen since the old glory days of the San Diego Sockers. Currently there are about 30 members that religiously follow the San Diego Sockers, but that number has grown week over week during the Major Arena Soccer League Season (MASL). The Deep End was founded in 2015, when leader Daryl Biggs decided it was time that San Diego soccer fans started taking a proactive stance on supporting local clubs. While the base of heavily invested supporters is heavily linked to American Outlaws, the supporters group continues to grow.

This isn’t just a group of soccer fans looking to create raucous using sports as a medium; this is a group with altruistic purposes. The Deep End is a group of fans that is invested making San Diego a professional soccer town from the grassroots level, for fans of every age. The Deep End Capo (chant leader of the group) Lucas Oliveira said, [quote_box_center]“We are all about teaching the next generation of soccer fans how to support during soccer games. We want to have a positive impact on the teams we support and make a difference for them from the stands.” [/quote_box_center]

These are not the crazy ultras that give supporter groups a bad name (see Green Street Hooligans), rather just soccer passionate fans looking to help the home team create a little advantage. This is an organized group that creates an atmosphere for professional teams. They make the event fun with scarves waving, drums beating, and memorable chants for all to enjoy. Leader Biggs goes on to say, “We want to foster a culture that promotes the younger generation becoming ‘active fans’ and really understanding the difference from being a passive fan.” Soccer brings the passion out in people unlike any other sport. It’s cool to stand, chant songs, wave flags, jeer the referee, and have an overall great experience.

In 2016, The Deep End is poised to expand its membership base and noise-making abilities with their partnership with San Diego’s Professional Outdoor soccer team Albion Pros. Capo Oliveira said, “Albion Pros is very supportive of our group and has allowed us a blank canvas with which to promote the team in a positive way. We’re looking forward to the first home game March 5th to strut our stuff. Of course the two games of the #CraftBeerCup vs. North County Battalion is where you will hear us in full force.”

Keep up to date with the Deep End Supporters Group on Facebook –> Deep End Supporters Group


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