Ask The College Coach – How Can I Stretch My Thin Budget While Chasing College?

Welcome to SoccerNation’s “Ask The College Coach” column. In this series we take questions from soccer parents from around the country and have real, currently employed college coaches answer. If you’re interested in having a coach answer your question, please send us an email at [email protected] with the subject “Ask the College Coach”.

This month’s featured coach is Suzette Soboti, Women’s head coach at Redlands University in Southern California.

Dear Ask the College Coach- 

My daughter plays soccer all the time. She plays for her high school team, her club team and is involved with our State’s ODP program. What is the best way to use our time and our limited financial resources to get her seen by college coaches to get recruited?  We do not have the means to fly all over the country to attend camps and showcases unfortunately. She has a solid 4.0 GPA and her test scores are very high. We don’t expect any scholarship but just want to know how to best get her seen to have a chance. Your recommendations would be very appreciated.  Thank you very much for this column to help parents like us.

Michelle Z.
Mother of a daughter who is a junior in high school in Idaho. 


Dear Michelle Z.

The best thing your daughter and you can do is to focus on which college academically she wants to attend.  By narrowing your choices to colleges which fit your academic, social and financial profiles and have soccer programs, you will be able to focus your resources on those top 3-5 schools.  Many soccer programs now host their own private ID clinics which are usually much more inexpensive than big club tournaments.  You can coordinate your visit to these campus’ around the soccer programs specific ID Clinics.  This can lead to a much more personalized visit as well as getting in front of the coaches of the colleges you are most interested in attending.

Video is also a great way to have coaches see you play without spending a lot of resources.  Homemade videos can be edited on IMovie or Movie Maker and can give coaches insight to how your daughter would fit into their program.  Just make sure to show highlights and a few seconds leading into and out of the highlighted plays.

Hope this helps!

Suzette Soboti
Head Women’s Lacrosse and Soccer Coach
Professor, Physical Education


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