Harboring a desire to play college soccer?

Gaining exposure to college scouts can be extremely significant and extremely pricey. Attending huge camps/clinics/tournaments that have a mix of college scouts can be beneficial, however the best way to get a college’s attention is to come to them directly.

Several colleges are offering ID Camps in the winter (December to March) that give players a unique experience – not only one college scout, but the entire coaching staff — all specially looking for that next recruit. ID Camps also give a player the chance to get a feel for the college’s campus and facilities — especially residential camps. To provide a complete package, ID Camps typically include an informational meeting that will provide families additional information on admission and financial aid as well.

With so many choices, narrow down your choices to the college’s that will be the best fit. Here are some suggestions to help you make a decision:

  1. Academics – Although a school may be a good choice for soccer, players must make sure the school offers the right courses for the study/career of their choice. It’s all about preparing for your future.
  2. Location – Looking to stay close to home? Players can also save money by continuing to live at home, instead of paying for housing. And don’t forget about the weather — a Southern California player may not do well on the snowy East Coast and an East Coast player may not do well in the heat of Arizona, etc.
  3. Size – Colleges come in all sizes. Class sizes can range from a room of 35 students to a lecture hall with more than 300 students. Where would you feel the most successful?

So, check out the Winter list… There may be colleges on the list that you didn’t know offered soccer or that you forgot about! The list will also be continuously updated, so check back often.


Listed in alphabetical order:


Cal Lutheran University
Date: January 22, 2017
Cost: $85

gcusoccerGrand Canyon University
Date: December 17-18, 2016
Cost: $125

lmuLoyola Marymount University
Date: December 11, 2016 & March 15, 2017
Cost: $135

smclogosfwSaint Mary’s College
Date: January 15, 2017
Cost: $125 (Before 12/15), $150 (After 12/15)

sanjosestateuniversitybsnnursingschoolSan Jose State University
Date: January 7-8, 2017
Cost: $120 (One-Day), $150(Two-Day)

ucsd_tritonlogoUniversity of California, San Diego
Date: December 28-30, 2016
Cost: $225

ucsbUniversity of California, Santa Barbara 
Date: December 17-18, 2016
Cost: $285 (Commuter), $335 (Residential)



Listed in alphabetical order:

cluCal Lutheran Men’s Soccer
Date: January 22, 2017
Cost: $85

Cal Poly San Luis Obispo
Date: December 10-11, 2016
Cost: $200

SF STATESan Francisco State
Date: December 10, 2016
Cost: $50

Stanford University
Date: January 8, 2017
Cost: $150 (mail checks payable to Stanford Women’s Soccer to: 641 East Campus Dr, Soccer Office, Stanford, CA 94305)
Email Rodrigo Baptista for Registration Form (online registration NOT available)

cal logoUniversity of California, Berkeley
Date: December 11, 2016
Cost: $149

uc-davis-soccerUniversity of California, Davis
Date: December 18, 2016 (February 2017, Date TBD)
Cost: $135

uc-irvine-logoUniversity of California, Irvine
Date: February 5, 2017
Cost: $100

unlv-rebelsUniversity of Nevada, Las Vegas
Date: December 10, 2016
Cost: $100

uscUniversity of Southern California 
Date: March 5, 2017
Cost: $180


Remember, involve your friends and family, talk with teachers, visit campuses and make as much as an investment in your choice as you can… It’s going to be the platform for your future!

College Coaches: Email Andrea Amaro to have your college ID camp listed.



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