Medical Study Proves Youth Sports are Crucial to Mental Health

Parents, families, coaches, and local leaders like Kristin Gaspar have known this for a long time. Youth sports and group activities are essential for physical and mental well-being. We now have a medical study backing up what families have been saying for months. Youth Sports are Essential Elite Club National League’s Chief Medical Advisor, Dr. […]

After Months Indoors, Skincare is Vital

Athletes at all levels have been stuck inside for months. Summer is here, and lockdowns are lifting, allowing for more outdoor activities. Your skin will be getting more sunshine than it has in months. Hooray for Vitamin D! Caution is key, though. This week, Olympus Movement Performance provides vital information for athletes and families. Take […]

This Week from Olympus: Sleep Health

Sleep is vital to healthy living and athletic performance. This week, Olympus Movement Performance breaks down the importance of sleep and how to apply their knowledge to your daily life. Take it away, Olympus! ​Do you have a sleep disturbance? Do you have a hard time falling asleep? Do you wake often during the night? […]

Legends FC to provide streaming training sessions for families beginning Monday Mar16

The COVID-19 global pandemic has shut down all group activities for the next 3-4 weeks. Soccer families are left to stay fit on their own, practicing “social distancing.” That does not mean, however, that training has to stop. Legends FC have announced live-streamed training sessions for soccer players. Live Streams and YouTube Sessions View this […]