Checking in with Arizona Arsenal, Back on the Fields

Arizona Arsenal Soccer Club has been enjoying their “new normal.” Kids and their coaches are on the fields enjoying the outdoors and the sports they love. SoccerNation checked in Director of Coaching, David Belfort, to learn more about what’s happening out in Arizona. Shutdowns began March 11th SN: How long were club operations shut down […]
Coming to SoccerNation: Alumni Corner

Stories of soccer journeys to educate and inspire SoccerNation is excited to announce Alumni Corner! Starting in February, we will be featuring a new soccer alum every month. 4 Weeks of Great Stories and Inspiration for Soccer Families Every week, we will journey along through the life of a successful adult who grew up playing […]
The Role of a Parent in Youth Soccer

My sons quit soccer. When they did I learned one of my greatest lessons as a parent. Their choice to quit forced me way out of my comfort zone when it comes to the youth sporting environment, and that is where my lesson happened. They chose to take up Muy Thai. I think they did […]
Be the Best Soccer Parent with the Perfect Snack Pack

This week, it’s you on snack duty. That’s a lot of pressure. The whole team and, more importantly, their families are relying on you to provide the best snacks for their little soccer stars. Youth soccer players run between 2-4 miles a game and over tournament weekends they are running a whopping 10-15 miles a […]