143,000 Soccer Training Sessions, 15 COVID-19 Cases, ZERO Transmission, New Study Says

Surf Cup Sports releases results of 8-week county-wide study Research and testing will continue, but initial results show promising signs that outdoor sports in large areas are safe for kids 6-18. http://surfcupsports.com/2020/08/14/youth-sports-covid-safety-whitepaper/?fbclid=IwAR3Lt-gksvzifRTYdXzOk2FvHeeVUng9Eq_Akn1LyLNR-YX7KTkaKG8su1U Six local clubs participated in the study: San Diego Surf Soccer Club Oceanside Breakers City SC Albion Soccer Club Rebels Soccer Club San […]

UPDATE: San Diego’s Plan for Returning Kids to Practice Passes 4-1

Yesterday SoccerNation described San Diego County’s plan to return young athletes to the practice fields. Plan passes through the SD Board of Supervisors on 4-1 vote. Now, San Diego awaits Governor Newsom’s response. The “Game On San Diego” plan was thoughtfully crafted with safety and multiple sports in mind. Supervisor Kristin Gaspar collected input from […]

Boys ECNL Southwest Conference Gains Strength

San Diego Soccer Club has joined the Boys ECNL Southwest Conference The US Soccer Development Academy has been shuttered. Many competitive youth soccer clubs are now searching for new leagues for their top teams and players. On the girls side, the Girls Academy League has been announced. For the boys, Major League Soccer will be […]

GoFundMe Page Launched for Coach O

World class soccer Olympian Zhang Ouying – Coach O to thousand of San Diego children during the past decade needs our help as she faces her toughest opponent yet. But this time it’s off the soccer field. Doctors have diagnosed Coach O with cancer of both lungs. CLICK HERE TO DONATE Her disease is very […]

SoccerNation Club Spotlight: San Diego Soccer Club

SoccerNation is spotlighting youth clubs from all over these United States of America. Powered by soccerloco, the SoccerNation Club Spotlight Series has already taken us all around Southern California and to some very special soccer spots across this great country. From the Hawaiian Islands to the Eastern Seaboard, we are on a mission to showcase […]

NC Battalion Teams Up with SDSC and TopSoccer

NC Battalion Volunteering In Community

Since their inception, NC Battalion have been establishing lasting relationships with North County, San Diego area youth clubs. In an effort to grow the existing soccer community and expand soccer support in the San Diego region, they are volunteering time to local charity events and programs that give back to society. In early March, San […]

NC Battalion Brings On San Diego Soccer Club

NC Battalion is pleased to announce a new partnership with San Diego Soccer Club (SDSC). For the past 30 years, San Diego Soccer Club’s goals have remained the same: contribute to successful player development, maintain stable operations, and stay committed to the community. The history of the SDSC closely resembles what NC Battalion has been […]

Six local programs, including LAFC, will enter U.S. Soccer Development Academy

U.S. Soccer announced the additions to the new Development Academy U-12 division this week. A total of 56 new teams will join 78 existing members around the country, in a move intended to help cut down on travel distances for the youngest division in the youth academy, while also casting a wider net in player […]