Summer Jobs for Teens: REFEREE tops the list

Summer is coming. A summer job, for a teenager, used to be a rite of passage. However, those jobs are harder and harder to find these days. Fast food and retail have high age minimums. Gone are the days of teenagers mowing lawns around the neighborhood for pocket money. But one of the greatest summer […]
Youth Soccer Referees – Dealing With Questionable Calls

Youth soccer referees have a big responsibility. Each week they are asked to referee multiple games where there will be numerous decisions they’re expected to make and get correct. As if that wasn’t a challenge enough, all the games are played by kids with some of them pinning their college dreams on the sum result […]
Ted and Christina Unkel – Region III Referees

She looks like just another mom chasing after her toddler at a youth soccer tournament. She has the juice, the snacks, the diaper bag, and of course, the watchful eye. She also has a FIFA Referee’s Badge. Christina Unkel is one of three American women to earn the FIFA Badge, meaning she is eligible to […]
Passion Drives Good Officiating

Sprinting down the sideline trying to maintain a good visual of the players and the ball, Randy Hoffman makes his third offside call of the half. A teammate of the player called offside screams and curses at Hoffman questioning his refereeing ability. Hoffman was officiating his second Major League Soccer match between Chivas USA and […]