After Months Indoors, Skincare is Vital

Athletes at all levels have been stuck inside for months. Summer is here, and lockdowns are lifting, allowing for more outdoor activities. Your skin will be getting more sunshine than it has in months. Hooray for Vitamin D! Caution is key, though. This week, Olympus Movement Performance provides vital information for athletes and families. Take […]

This week from Olympus: What’s the big deal with going “Gluten Free?”

This week Olympus Movement and Performance is dropping knowledge all about nutrition. Specifically, the “gluten free” revolution. Many people are medically allergic to gluten (Celiac Disease). Many more, however, can benefit from limiting or eliminating gluten from their diet, even if they don’t have Celiac Disease. Take it away, Olympus! Author: Brittany Peterson, Head Athletic Trainer, […]

This Week from Olympus: Sleep Health

Sleep is vital to healthy living and athletic performance. This week, Olympus Movement Performance breaks down the importance of sleep and how to apply their knowledge to your daily life. Take it away, Olympus! ​Do you have a sleep disturbance? Do you have a hard time falling asleep? Do you wake often during the night? […]


Expert Advice from Olympus Movement Performance The human body consists of more than 50% of water. Same goes for the Earth. That in itself shows us how important water is to our bodies and the environment. Yet a lot of the time we as humans are not properly hydrated. Fluid balance is the relationship between […]

Fighting Inflammation with Food

Expert advice for Soccer families from Olympus Movement Performance Welcome to our weekly feature from the athletic experts at Olympus. This week, you’re going to learn all about how to help your body to fight off and recover from illness, infection and injury with OPTIMAL NUTRITION. Inflammation is your body’s way to protect itself from […]

Nutrition: What You Put In Is What You Put Out

Youth and teenage athletes must develop good eating habits that will last them a lifetime. This is the best time to introduce a healthy lifestyle, so they can make the connection between input and output; what we put into our bodies is directly linked to what we get out of our bodies. A bag of […]

Eat Like Messi, Play Like Messi

The human body is the most sophisticated machine on the planet, and is comprised of several different systems working harmoniously. Like any machine it requires energy and maintenance to function at its best. The body uses food to produce energy that fuels it to perform; however, some energy sources are better than others, particularly when it […]

The 4 Best Ways to Start Your Day with a Champion Breakfast

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, how many times do we have to tell you? Don’t skip it tomorrow morning. Skipping breakfast is linked to poor performance in school, sports, workouts, and just bad for your overall health. Eating a nutritious breakfast will boost your metabolism and give you the energy you […]

5 Foods to Avoid as a Soccer Athlete

As an athlete you work hard to play hard. You’ve got hours of practice every week which means you need to fuel your body the right way to keep up your performance. It’s easy to stray from your athlete diet and indulge in those cheesy, greasy, deliciously unhealthy foods when you’re hungry after a long […]

Be the Best Soccer Parent with the Perfect Snack Pack

This week, it’s you on snack duty.  That’s a lot of pressure.  The whole team and, more importantly, their families are relying on you to provide the best snacks for their little soccer stars.  Youth soccer players run between 2-4 miles a game and over tournament weekends they are running a whopping 10-15 miles a […]

Soccer Nutritional Rules to Live by for Top Performance

Soccer players will crash and burn if they are not fed with enough carbohydrates and protein. Eating a healthy diet is crucial to preforming your best on game day. Here are some tips to stay on the ball and score like a champion. Earth is your Mom: You never doubt what your mom made you […]