THIS WEEK FROM OLYMPUS: Life after an ACL Injury (final chapter)

ACL Injuries: The good, the bad, the ugly: A preventative approachAnnemarie Alf, PT, DPT, CSCS, SFMA If you missed the first two chapters of Annemarie Alf’s ACL series, be sure to check them out here! One of the most common and yet most dreaded injuries a soccer player can endure, is to hear that you’ve […]

ACL Injuries. The good, the bad, the ugly: A preventative approach (part 1)

This Week from Olympus ACL Injuries: The good, the bad, the ugly: A preventative approach, by Annemarie Alf, PT, DPT, CSCS, SFM One of the most common and yet most dreaded injuries a soccer player can endure, is to hear that you’ve torn your ACL- anterior cruciate ligament.  The ACL is a ligament in the center […]

This week from Olympus: When training just isn’t enough.

WHY THE FMS (FUNCTIONAL MOVEMENT SCREEN) OR SFMA (SELECTIVE FUNCTIONAL MOVEMENT ASSESSMENT)? Many of you train hard, you train consistently, you eat healthy, and rest well. I ask you though, are there times when you need more than just this to keep performing at an optimum level day in and day out with the same […]

SAVE THE ICE FOR YOUR DRINKS! Modern Injury Recovery Advice from Olympus Movement

Why you are better off NOT using ICE post-injury: Because it delays Recovery! (OH, and same for anti-inflammatory meds like Ibuprofen) The following is an important and out-of-the-box article from: Dr. Annemarie Alf Athletes, coaches, trainers, and physical therapists alike have all used my “RICE” (rest, ice, compression, elevation) guideline for decades.  Now it appears […]