Fram Tears it Up at the FC Long Beach Invitationals!

This past weekend, the FRAM Soccer Club dominated at the FC Long Beach Invitational tournament!  The tournament took place August 8th-9th for U8-U18 teams. Congratulations to BU17 Boswell team FC Long Beach Champions! GU9 Nijjar team were finalists, congrats! Congratulations to FRAM FC Bozart G13 FC Long Beach Finalists Lost in 2nd round of sudden […]


Tryouts have now concluded for all age groups but even if you missed tryouts, there are several FRAM teams that are still looking to fill a few roster spots.  Please either email the coach of the team you are interested in, or contact our club admin Colleen Messner at [email protected] for more information. Youngers teams […]

FRAM Skills Academy

The FRAM Skills Academy Program is for all girls and boys aged 6 to 9. Players work on individual skills in both 1 player – 1 ball and participate in small sided game situations. This helps to improve players’ individual skill level.  The players will work on turns, dribble moves, shooting, heading, control, etc.  Player Advantages: A FUN environment.
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