ACL Injuries – Get to Know the Risk Factors

The Anterior Cruciate Ligament, commonly referred to as the ACL, is a dense band of tissue that provides stability to the knee. Fibers of the ACL can be injured or torn when abnormal movement forces the ligament beyond its capacity. Typically, a combination of motions involving twisting at the knee while weight-bearing results in excessive […]

Common Causes of Anterior Knee Pain in Youth Athletes – Part II

In Part I of this article, I presented four causes of anterior knee pain that youth athletes may suffer from, including how they differ and what might contribute to the onset: Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome, Patellar Tendonitis, Pes Anserine tendonitis/bursitis, and Osgood Schlatters Disease. These are all unique conditions, and should be treated as individually as […]

Achilles Tendonopathy in Soccer

If you are a soccer player, then you may have experienced pain or swelling in the back of your heel, over the thick cord-like structure, called your Achilles Tendon.  The Achilles Tendon is a dense tissue that connects the calf muscles, or the gastrocnemius-soleus complex, to the heel bone, known as the calcaneus.  When you […]