5 Tips on the Art of Preventing Ankle Sprains

Ankles are anatomically stabilized passively with ligaments and actively with muscles that cross the ankle complex. An ankle sprain occurs when the joint is forced beyond normal range of motion, causing ligaments to be stretched too far. The result is some degree of ligament fiber failure, which typically includes swelling, stiffness, and pain. If it […]

Recover Faster, Injury or No Injury: FDM Q and A with Dr. Chad Wells

It was just another night of pick-up with friends. You know the kind where everyone is out to have fun try new tricks, maybe pull a meg or two. As I am weaving through a couple players I step on a grass mound and roll my ankle. I have felt this before, right away my […]

Classification of a Ligament Sprain

Sprains are classified into three grades of severity, ranging from over-stretching to complete tearing of the ligament.  In a severe sprain, the ligament may pull off a piece of the bone, resulting in an avulsion fracture. Grade I (mild) – Slight stretching of the ligament with some damage to fibers; Minimal swelling and tenderness; Minimal […]