We told you about this last week. The City of San Diego is accepting input from the public regarding development proposals for San Diego’s “Sports Arena” district.

Last day for public input: TODAY! July 20, 2020
Fans and soccer families have ONE DAY left. You can review the plans and submit your opinion to the City Council:
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Give your input here: https://sportsarenainput.org/
You've been hearing a lot about a modular stadium at Midway District.@TheWarrenSmith breaks down why it makes sense for San Diego, as well as our club's long-term growth. #SDLoyal pic.twitter.com/8gty9UKNDw
— San Diego Loyal (@SanDiegoLoyal) July 17, 2020
The city has set up that website as a “virtual open house” to allow the public to review the two proposals. Once you have reviewed both and decided which proposal you feel is better for professional soccer in San Diego, tell the city council!

A modular stadium ready by 2022.
— San Diego Loyal (@SanDiegoLoyal) July 20, 2020
Here are the finer points of the MSED proposal for the Midway District. 🧐 pic.twitter.com/AZo7Mc5EYr